Tag Archive | tranquility

And then again …

To quote a dear friend from their blog post last night …

“Turn OFF the political news feed, turn OFF the constant drone of social media. Turn OFF all broadcast news that does not immediately impact your health and welfare. And see what happens.

Take your energy and channel it into positive things. Being kind to a neighbor, call and check on a friend. Water your plants. Pet and play games with your animals. Be a positive force in your community. Get someone to laugh or smile. Do something fun no matter how stupid or foolish you think others may find it. Laugh at YOURSELF. Dare to be silly. Laugh OUT LOUD. If you begin to invest your time and energy this way you will soon begin to realize a compound-interest accruing everywhere else in your life. Because you are either going in the direction of life or you are moving away from it. As the saying goes – “Get busy living or get busy dying.” (from The Shawshank Redemption)”

And then again, there’s always music to soothe the soul.

And then again (again), there’s the “Deer Blooper” version …

Stay safe.