Tag Archive | LGBT

I admit it, I cried

Ever since I had my “epiphany” and fully recognised the truth about myself I have wanted to be able to go out in public looking as female as that beatch “Mother Nature” will allow.

It’s been a long, hard road because I’m just over 6 feet tall, fairly sturdily built, have large ears, large hands, large feet and, most disappointingly, androgenetic alopecia a.k.a. Male Pattern Baldness. In my case this baldness is not complete (as in the whole of the top of my head is bald) but I have a deep bald “river” on each side and a central “patchiness” to my hair.

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Conflicting needs

How does one reconcile conflicting needs?

I’m in a quandary and can’t make up my mind which route to take.

As regular readers will know I’ve been helping to run my local Transgender Support Group for over 4 years now and said a couple of weeks ago that I’d had enough and would be stepping down. I’ve actually been trying to step away from running the group for over 18 months because I find the mental energy that’s required is more than I feel able to exert.

But …

Every time something comes along that the group could get involved with in order to spread the word about transgender issues or to advocate for the LGBT+ community, especially in my local area, it fires up my internal inspiration and I feel that this is something I need to be doing.

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Your experiences of Pride Marches – Research project

A student at St. Andrew’s University is currently conducting a research project exploring LGBT+ people and allies’ experiences of being involved in Pride parades.

For the project, she is conducting interviews via Skype and hopes to speak to as many people as she can from all across the UK, to make this study as representative as possible.

Unfortunately, she has not yet been able to interview many Trans people and so is concerned that their points of view may go unrepresented.

I’ve told her that I’ll be happy to participate, and if you would like to help out too then the details are in this poster along with her email address.

Any support would be greatly appreciated!

Pride Advert - NB62 - PS5002 - PNG

Rev. Al Sharpton’s stirring eulogy for George Floyd – You had your knee on our neck

It’s so sad that it took the death of one man to bring to the fore such a deep and meaningful expression, but in all my time I don’t think I’ve ever heard a more telling statement regarding the suppression of Human Rights.

Whoever you are, wherever you are, and no matter which minority group (or groups) you find yourself in, I hope that Rev. Al Sharpton’s words will ring out as a call for equality now and in the future.

Get your knees off our necks!!

Sending love and hope to you all.

A fresh view on gender stereotypes

I’ve not posted for a few days because despite trying to keep you all boosted up during the current pandemic I fell into a slump myself due to all this prolonged isolation. During this time I have, however, continued to research things that I consider you might enjoy and happened upon this very clever little film which looks at gender stereotypes from a “reversed” viewpoint.

I do encourage you to watch it right through to the point at which the credits start. 😀


Which gender are you?

Hi peeps!

Sorry I’ve been missing for a few days, I was doing some things for my wife back at her place and then my nephew came over at short notice for a night of video games. I was awake for something like 41 hours on the stretch, so the 15 hours sleep I got last night was SOOOO needed!! Also it was the best sleep I’ve had in a while, so it did me some good. *phew*

Today you’ll maybe need a little piece of paper and a pen.

This video, which isn’t scientific, tests whether you’re basically male, female, or non-binary brained. I tried it and it worked for me. How will you get on?

Stay safe, and I’ll see you tomorrow.

*hugs* Tish


The Dorothy Relief Appeal


(Promoting an appeal organised by Pink Saltire in Scotland, UK)

Ever heard that old queer phrase “a friend of Dorothy“?    Well listen, we saw a theme for a fundraiser and ran with it! ‍

Pick up your little basket, grab Toto and read on……

Do you want to support folk in need during this pandemic? We do.

Have you waited 5 weeks for ‘someone else’ to organise it?  Us too. Well kind of.

Pink Saltire, the Scottish LGBT community charity, are appealing for funds to support the ongoing relief effort helping those most in need during the COVID-19 pandemic or at risk of isolation.  There’s already relief efforts happening in Edinburgh, Dumfries & Galloway and Fife.  We know there is demand in other areas, especially for LGBT+ asylum seekers and refugees, but we can’t hope to meet that demand without extra help.

Help from folk like you. (Ruby slippers optional!) Continue reading

Time to self-isolate

I can hardly believe that it’s almost five months since I posted on here. It’s been one thing after another in the intervening months, good and bad, so here’s the potted summary …

My last post was done in China, where I’d been spending a tortuous six weeks on an unavoidable trip as it included wifey’s daughter’s wedding. Even I couldn’t get out of that. Then, soon after arriving back in the UK at the beginning of November I spent the next ten weeks with an awful chest infection. Looking now at the timing and the surrounding symptoms I have to think to myself “Was it an early dose of Covid-19 that I’d picked up on the plane on the way home?”. Who knows?

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