Tag Archive | family

The “How do I die?” dilemma – no, I’m not thinking of THAT!

After the somewhat emotionally traumatic week I’ve had it’s been so helpful to have received a lot of reassurance and support from my readers and fellow bloggers. Thank you to all who have been in touch, it really means a lot.

I followed up on one comment I received by reading through that lady’s blog and came across something which has highlighted a dilemma I face.

What happens when I die?

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A year ago today …

… my daughter and I were at Wembley Stadium to see Bon Jovi.

I’d been to Wembley many times in the past to see sporting and music events but this was my first visit to the “new” Wembley.

To get my new YouTube channel started I thought I’d have a bit of a practice with some video editing software and post this so to have as a lasting reminder of a great day out.

Thank you, Tara, for getting the tickets and then “having nobody to go with”!! 😀

Of course, if you want to see how a PROPER video of the event looks, there’s always this …