
What is “Hate Crime”?

You have a few options if you live in Fife and need to report a hate crime.

You can report the incident directly to Police Scotland at Police Scotland Online Reporting

Alternatively, both Fife Centre for Equalities and Pink Saltire are recognised Third Party Reporting Centres.

Fife Centre for Equalities

Use their Hate Incident Reporting Page.

Pink Saltire

☎️ 0800 051 7676  📧  or in person at The Hive LGBT+ Centre in Kirkcaldy.

Scotland first in world to make period products free

I’ve never forgotten a conversation I had with a female work colleague back in the early 1980’s in which I stated my belief that period products should be free for all women the world over.

She looked at me in astonishment and said something to the effect of how amazing she felt it was that a guy would have the understanding to hold such an opinion. (Back in those days I was still very much in “male mode”, although this was the same young lady who was the first person I ever told that I felt I should have been born in a female body.)

Well, I sat here just now with my jaw dropped and with tears forming as I heard the news that Scotland will be doing just that; making sanitary wear free for all women.

This makes me even more proud to have made Scotland my home.

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The impact of Lockdown on Scottish LGBT+ Communities – Study

Rainbow Responders, an initiative developed in Scotland by Pink Saltire, have just emailed me the results of their recent study into the effects of lockdown on the Scottish LGBT+ community, and I’m relaying the email to you in full in this post. It makes interesting, and concerning, reading.

Study uncovers an ‘epidemic of loneliness’

2 out of 3 LGBT+ people have faced isolation or loneliness during the COVID pandemic and it has been the single biggest challenge for the community, as outlined in a new report published today.

‘Community Matters – The Impact of Lockdown on Scottish LGBT+ Communities’, released as part of the Rainbow Responders programme managed by Pink Saltire, details a worrying number of LGBT+ people are dealing with mental health challenges, with many turning to drink and drugs to help them cope.

The research has also evidenced very low levels of trust in public services amongst the LGBT+ community and disproportionately low levels of funding for vital services.

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