
What is “Hate Crime”?

You have a few options if you live in Fife and need to report a hate crime.

You can report the incident directly to Police Scotland at Police Scotland Online Reporting

Alternatively, both Fife Centre for Equalities and Pink Saltire are recognised Third Party Reporting Centres.

Fife Centre for Equalities

Use their Hate Incident Reporting Page.

Pink Saltire

☎️ 0800 051 7676  📧  or in person at The Hive LGBT+ Centre in Kirkcaldy.

Discreetly calling for emergency services

If you’re ever in need of assistance in a life threatening situation and are unable to speak clearly to the responder for fear of being found out then remember this story, and adapt it for your own country as appropriate.

Stay safe.

Go for it! … Go for it!

I did have a subject for today’s post but events have overtaken me, so instead I shall relate my experiences of contact I had with Police Scotland.

Unexpectedly I found that I had to go to the bank down town at short notice and this, unfortunately, meant that I didn’t have time to prepare for my intended first sole outing “en femme” as I had slept in and time was of the essence, so I just had to “boy up” and head on out. I got the necessary things together and headed off, parking outside the Police Station. From there it’s only a short walk to the bank, but as I left the car I realised that even though I was in a short-term parking spot I would still have time to call into the Police Station on the way back to do something I had thought of a few weeks ago.

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