
Bon Jovi “Do what you can” – Colbert

Mr. Gorgeous is back and, I have to say, looking a lot better than he did last year. Whatever he’s been putting in the water is really working! 😛

Last night he was on “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert” on CBS and finished the appearance with the brilliant single “Do what you can” from the new album “2020”.

Unfortunately when I edited all three parts of his appearance together the file was too large for me to load into the blog, but here are all three parts for you.

This guy is just an amazing person … enjoy!


This post had a working title of “Love takes many forms” but, as I will explain later, I changed it when a certain piece of information became apparent to me.

I have been a great fan of Queen for many, many years and Freddie Mercury was, in my humble opinion, the greatest showman the world has ever known.

It may surprise you to know, therefore, that until today I hadn’t seen the film “Bohemian Rhapsody”.

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Please make it stop!

Well, at least Friday was nice.

I was due for some new wigs, courtesy of the NHS, and went over to Edinburgh to make my selection. I picked out one in a similarish style to my usual ones but with a bit of a colour change, and have ordered three more in from which I’ll select another. I went over with a friend as she wanted to get a new wig and some professional advice and she came away with something that will look really good on her.

Also my friend had bought me a small gift as a thank you for being so helpful and supportive to her over the past few months, a lovely necklace that I’d seen in a shop window the week before and drooled over. When I got home and undid the parcel I was deeply touched by her sweet gesture. I’ll show you both the wig and the necklace in a future post.

It was later on Friday evening that things started to go wrong.

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And then again …

To quote a dear friend from their blog post last night …

“Turn OFF the political news feed, turn OFF the constant drone of social media. Turn OFF all broadcast news that does not immediately impact your health and welfare. And see what happens.

Take your energy and channel it into positive things. Being kind to a neighbor, call and check on a friend. Water your plants. Pet and play games with your animals. Be a positive force in your community. Get someone to laugh or smile. Do something fun no matter how stupid or foolish you think others may find it. Laugh at YOURSELF. Dare to be silly. Laugh OUT LOUD. If you begin to invest your time and energy this way you will soon begin to realize a compound-interest accruing everywhere else in your life. Because you are either going in the direction of life or you are moving away from it. As the saying goes – “Get busy living or get busy dying.” (from The Shawshank Redemption)”

And then again, there’s always music to soothe the soul.

And then again (again), there’s the “Deer Blooper” version …

Stay safe.

I wanna be …

I wanna be back in 1967.

I wanna be 5 years older than I was then.

I wanna be a cis-gendered hippy chick.

I wanna be in San Francisco.

I wanna be among the flower people.

I wanna be handing out flowers to strangers in the street.

I wanna be soaking up the colours and the vibrancy.

I wanna be high on the feeling of free love.

I wanna be …

I wanna be …

Oh, I SO wanna be where my soul truly belongs!! …



In the Ghetto

I’ve always been a great fan of Elvis Presley, ever since as a child Mum would say that there was an Elvis concert on the TV. It would be almost compulsory viewing for me because I loved his voice so much, and his stage shows were amazing, for the time.

“In the Ghetto” has long been a favourite among his many recordings, not only because it is such a well structured song but it highlights the struggles that so many people face; struggles which a truly caring society would, by now, have eliminated.

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