
Insulting behaviour

Just lately it seems as if I’m at war with an unknown entity; an elusive, pervading, mischievous spirit that seems hell bent on disrupting all forms of communication.

To put it in a nutshell, I seem unable to communicate with people without accidentally insulting them or causing them some form of upset. This usually happens when my intention is to make a joke or lighten a situation, but I’m so WAY OFF target that it is becoming embarrassing. I had my first Covid vaccination this week and, whilst putting on my coat and gathering my things together I even managed to insult the kind, charming, pleasant (and hunky) soldier who had given me the jab. What the hell was THAT all about?

There are few enough people that I communicate with at the best of times. With lock down that number has reduced still further, and almost all of that communication is electronic. The way things are going I can foresee a situation where that number hits the big zero as I drive more and more people away.

I guess, for the moment at least, it’s probably best if I limit the potential damage to those around me by giving up trying to communicate and just shut the f*** up.

I hope all of you are faring better in this regard.

This is turning into a full time job

Many of you may be aware that I help coordinate a local Transgender support and social group. It is something I’ve been doing for the past four years or more.

The group has received much praise for the work it does and is well respected within the local community.

Through 2019, and especially toward the latter end of it, I felt that I was running out of the energy and motivation needed in order to continue to work for the group. I expressed my need to back away to the other Coordinator and we began to look for other group members who could step up and take over some of the responsibilities involved.

It was a slow process, but help was forthcoming and I was able to sit back in a more minor role and just keep my finger on the pulse.

Then, of course, 2020 happened.

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Has it gone? Can I look yet? …

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Wow, what a crap fest 2020 was, right up to the last day!

On New Year’s Eve I realised I wasn’t going to be able to suffer the pain any more over the upcoming long weekend, and so got an emergency appointment at the dentist and had two teeth removed. That doesn’t leave me with a vast selection any more.

Roll on 2021, I thought.


Welcome to 2021. Welcome to … A new lock down until at least the end of January! Wonderful!

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The impact of Lockdown on Scottish LGBT+ Communities – Study

Rainbow Responders, an initiative developed in Scotland by Pink Saltire, have just emailed me the results of their recent study into the effects of lockdown on the Scottish LGBT+ community, and I’m relaying the email to you in full in this post. It makes interesting, and concerning, reading.

Study uncovers an ‘epidemic of loneliness’

2 out of 3 LGBT+ people have faced isolation or loneliness during the COVID pandemic and it has been the single biggest challenge for the community, as outlined in a new report published today.

‘Community Matters – The Impact of Lockdown on Scottish LGBT+ Communities’, released as part of the Rainbow Responders programme managed by Pink Saltire, details a worrying number of LGBT+ people are dealing with mental health challenges, with many turning to drink and drugs to help them cope.

The research has also evidenced very low levels of trust in public services amongst the LGBT+ community and disproportionately low levels of funding for vital services.

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