Archive | October 2020

I’ve had enough of this, it’s time for some hard talking

From Wikipedia

Ok, so I know this might make me very unpopular with a lot of people but I really have had enough of the world wide incompetence regarding Covid-19.

Let’s be absolutely honest here, we, the human race, are at war.

But the point is we are at war with something that almost no government in the world seems to have an appropriate sense of urgency in addressing.

From Wikipedia: As of 09:23 UTC on 9 October 2020, a total of 36,542,723 cases are confirmed in more than 227 countries and territories, and 26 cruise and naval ships. There are 10,003,011 active cases and 1,062,360 deaths.

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Bon Jovi “Do what you can” – Colbert

Mr. Gorgeous is back and, I have to say, looking a lot better than he did last year. Whatever he’s been putting in the water is really working! 😛

Last night he was on “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert” on CBS and finished the appearance with the brilliant single “Do what you can” from the new album “2020”.

Unfortunately when I edited all three parts of his appearance together the file was too large for me to load into the blog, but here are all three parts for you.

This guy is just an amazing person … enjoy!

Discreetly calling for emergency services

If you’re ever in need of assistance in a life threatening situation and are unable to speak clearly to the responder for fear of being found out then remember this story, and adapt it for your own country as appropriate.

Stay safe.