Archive | July 2020

Just can’t get into it

Ohhhhhhhhhhhh ….. *long drawn out sigh*

You know you get those days sometimes; those days where you look around and see so many things that need doing, but every time you ask your brain if it wants to get involved it gives you a big “NAH!! … Go away and leave me alone!!”. Well today is one of those days.

It happens to be my birthday too, although I don’t think there’s a connection.

67 years ago today I was probably kicking and screaming my way onto this planet, poor planet. But today it’s like all I can do is make another coffee, sit around waiting for the rerun of today’s F1 Grand Prix, and watch never-ending YouTube videos.

So here’s the one that sums today up perfectly. 😀

(R.I.P. Leonard Nimoy, and thank you for the memories)


Conflicting needs

How does one reconcile conflicting needs?

I’m in a quandary and can’t make up my mind which route to take.

As regular readers will know I’ve been helping to run my local Transgender Support Group for over 4 years now and said a couple of weeks ago that I’d had enough and would be stepping down. I’ve actually been trying to step away from running the group for over 18 months because I find the mental energy that’s required is more than I feel able to exert.

But …

Every time something comes along that the group could get involved with in order to spread the word about transgender issues or to advocate for the LGBT+ community, especially in my local area, it fires up my internal inspiration and I feel that this is something I need to be doing.

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Your experiences of Pride Marches – Research project

A student at St. Andrew’s University is currently conducting a research project exploring LGBT+ people and allies’ experiences of being involved in Pride parades.

For the project, she is conducting interviews via Skype and hopes to speak to as many people as she can from all across the UK, to make this study as representative as possible.

Unfortunately, she has not yet been able to interview many Trans people and so is concerned that their points of view may go unrepresented.

I’ve told her that I’ll be happy to participate, and if you would like to help out too then the details are in this poster along with her email address.

Any support would be greatly appreciated!

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The “How do I die?” dilemma – no, I’m not thinking of THAT!

After the somewhat emotionally traumatic week I’ve had it’s been so helpful to have received a lot of reassurance and support from my readers and fellow bloggers. Thank you to all who have been in touch, it really means a lot.

I followed up on one comment I received by reading through that lady’s blog and came across something which has highlighted a dilemma I face.

What happens when I die?

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Time to say Goodbye

This is not an easy post for me to write and it may be a little disjointed.

For the past four years I’ve been one of the Coordinators of our local transgender support organisation, a position which has meant so much to me because of the good that has been achieved by the group and the help that we have been able to provide to so many people at various stages of their journeys of discovery and awareness.

Unfortunately, due to personal difficulties that I have, I realised about eighteen months ago that this work was becoming too much for me and I made it clear that I needed to step down and hand over to someone who would be able to cope better with the demands of the position. That change never happened, and then along came Covid-19.

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