Archive | June 2018

Made up before being made up

I had an appointment at the Gender Identity Clinic in Edinburgh earlier and things didn’t start well as I had got the time wrong and arrived an hour late.

Fortunately I was still seen, and just as I was leaving the clinician said to me “You’re looking really super anyway.”  Given how stressed out I was feeling this was so good to hear, and it gave me a boost.

I hadn’t had time to put any lippy on before going in to see him, and had no makeup on at all, so before I left I headed for the little girls room, put some my favourite lippy on, and generally checked that all was in order. I also had a new pair of sunglasses with me that I had bought recently and, with it being such a bright and sunny day, I slipped those on as well.

I had only just left the building and turned the next corner when a voice from just behind me said “You’re looking nice!”.

I turned to look at who had spoken, and a hippyish woman of indeterminate age between 20 and 50 was smiling at me as she crossed the road.

“Thank you!” I beamed at her. “Thank you!”

That’s the first time a stranger has said that to me in public and it totally made my day!

I’m seeing Jenny at 4:30 to get my makeup done for tonight, (see the previous post), but I’m already well made up!! 😀

This is a good day!

Tonight’s the night, and it feels like the Oscars

Here we are at last.

Tonight is the Awards Ceremony for the Fife Voluntary Action Volunteering and Voluntary Sector 2018 Awards in which the group I help run, Transgender Fife, is shortlisted in the Equality and Diversity section.

We were amazed to have been shortlisted so we’re certainly not expecting to win, and we know that the other candidates will all be very worthy of the award. We wish them all well.

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